Libretto messa matrimonio
Libretto messa matrimonio

libretto messa matrimonio

Priest: O God, who from the beginning of creation you wanted unity between man and woman, with a link to clasp one love these your children, Marianna and Gianfranco, who today are united in marriage, let them witnesses to that love that you have given them. Priest: Almighty God, source and origin of life, who have regenerated us with water thru the power of your Spirit, renew in us the grace of Baptism, and grant to Marianna and Gianfranco a free heart and a fervent faith, so they with open heart accept the gift of marriage, the new way for sanctification. Priest: Holy Spirit, power of the Father and the Son, you areĮnlightening in Marianna and Gianfranco the wedding garment of the Church.

libretto messa matrimonio

Priest: Jesus Christ, on the Cross, you have generated the Church, your beloved bride. Father, in the Baptism of your Son Jesus in the Jordan, you have revealed to the world the spounsal love for your people. Become sons in the Son, let us acknowledge with gratitude the gift we have received, so we remain faithful to the love that we have been called to. Let us now recall Baptism, in which we where reborn to a new life. In unity with the holy Church let us pray to God ourįather thru Christ our Lord, for blessing those childrens which are about to celebrate their wedding may He welcome them in His love and keep them in unity.

libretto messa matrimonio

Let us listen together with them the word of God addresses to us today.

libretto messa matrimonio

In this hour of special grace, we share their joy with our love, friendship and prayers. Priest: Brothers and sisters, we’re gathered with joy in this Church on the day when Marianna and Gianfranco wish to form their family. Priest: May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the presence of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Priest: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit

Libretto messa matrimonio